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Purple and White Presentation Bouquet


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The Purple and White bouquet is designed in a presentation style to accentuate and celebrate your special graduate or dancer. This bouquet includes spiders mums, beautiful gerbera daisies, purple roses and is filled with lush greens, purple daisies and alstroemerias. The bouquet comes with a water source wrapped around the bottom to keep fresh all day.
The Purple and White bouquet is designed in a presentation style to accentuate and celebrate your special graduate or dancer. This bouquet includes spiders mums, beautiful gerbera daisies, purple roses and is filled with lush greens, purple daisies and alstroemerias. The bouquet comes with a water source wrapped around the bottom to keep fresh all day.

What People Are Saying

Stefani Blazevic
star star star star star
Sun Apr 14, 2024
Source: Google

Second time is a charm! Someone from out of town ordered these flowers for me which looked gorgeous and I was very happy with them and so was she! Thanks again guys!

Susan Somogyi Wells
star star star star star
Sun Apr 14, 2024
Source: Google

Quality flowers, great service, reasonable prices with a worthwhile loyalty program. When buying flowers and Brantford go here. I just stumbled upon it and am so glad I did.

Dr. Tiffany Lim
star star star star star
Sun Apr 07, 2024
Source: Google

The staff was both attentive and welcoming, providing personalized service by custom spraying a single rose in the exact color I desired. Their efficiency was remarkable as they swiftly attended to my request and elegantly wrapped the rose before presenting it to me.


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