Picture Perfect Arrangement Yellow Asiatic Lilies, Delightful White Daisies and Delicate Pink Spray Roses
This flawless design, made with a stem of yellow Asiatic lilies, surrounded by white daisies, delicate pink spray roses, and soft pink carnations, is sure to make your day picture perfect!
This flawless design, made with a stem of yellow Asiatic lilies, surrounded by white daisies, delicate pink spray roses, and soft pink carnations, is sure to make your day picture perfect!
What People Are Saying
Great flowers! Always outlast the stuff you buy at the grocery store and they look much better.
The owner of this establishment is a LITERAL ANGEL! We were in a pickle, and needed pink roses ASAP for a wedding the following day. Alex the owner, stayed open an extra half hour for us, DIDN'T RUSH US, AND accommodated us in every single way possible. This woman LOVES what she does and it shows through her work. Thank you a million times Alex!
P.S. Erin is also a complete angel, and was brave enough to ask the owner if they could stay open for us. Bless these and bless this flower shop! 🩷
Always so great!!!! Best place in Brantford
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